Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 2

Today I went to services for the second day of Rosh Hashana. Happy New Year! Now I'm supposed to be studying for the GREs but instead am wasting time reading about the country's financial crisis on NYtimes. com.

Hey, my test prep book says one of the best ways to score well on the verbal section is to increase your vocabulary with constant reading. So I guess I am studying after all?


Thank Goodness Blogger Has Spell Check!

I am a perfectionist. More than once I've heard "Perfectionism paralyses progress". This is both true and relevant to my daily life. I want this blog to be "perfect" and write a "perfect" first post. However, I am going to try my best not to edit (too much) in the hopes of actually posting this!
My dear reader, it is important for me to convey that while I have an unrealistic expectation of perfection in myself I do expect the people I form relationships with to be perfect. This is rather fortunate as it has has allowed me truly wonderful relationships that I'm sure I will touch on in upcoming posts.
Well that's it for today.